March 5, 1:00 – 3:00: Kathie will appear at the Clement Manor Center for Enrichment, 9405 W. Howard Avenue, in Greenfield, Wisconsin. She’ll be talking about Book-Banning From The Writer’s Perspective, sharing her own experiences with having her books banned. You can download the registration form for this event at https://www.clementmanor.com/cfe/
March 5, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.: Kathie will appear at the Muskego Public Library, S73 W16663 Janesville Road in Muskego, Wisconsin. She’ll be sharing from and talking about her newest novel, Don’t Let Me Keep You. https://muskego.librarycalendar.com/event/local-author-kathie-giorgio-2415
March 19, 12:00 noon to 1:00: Kathie will appear at the Brown Bag Conversations gathering through Waukesha Parks, Recreation, and Forestry. She will be talking about her journey as a successful writer.
July 17 – 20: The AllWriters’ Annual Retreat. Kathie leads this 4-day writing retreat in which you will take part in workshops, attend a lecture, have one on one consultations with Kathie, and writing, writing, writing. Held at Mount Mary University, located at 2900 Menomonee River Parkway in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Details at https://www.allwritersworkshop.com/events/special-events/
July 27, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.: Kathie will lead The Labyrinth & The Creative Spirit, Part 1, at Kinstone Circle, located at S3439 Cole Bluff Lane in Fountain City, Wisconsin. This is an educational workshop for writers and visual artists (and those who want to be!) on the use of the labyrinth as a tool to enhance and focus the creative process. You can register at https://www.kinstonecircle.com/kinstone-events/
August 2, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.: Kathie will lead The Labyrinth & The Creative Spirit, Part 2, Going Deeper, at Kinstone Circle, located at S3439 Cole Bluff Lane in Fountain City, Wisconsin. This workshop is for people who have already taken Part 1, and now want to go deeper in their study of the intersection of the creative process and spiritual practices like walking a labyrinth. This event will help you to make the labyrinth experience more personal, and will show you ways to bring the peace and meditation of the labyrinth home with you. You can register at https://www.kinstonecircle.com/kinstone-events/

Watch Kathie talking about the Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books on The Morning Blend: